Threshing Beans and Peas
Harvest pods when they are dry and brittle
Threshing involves applying force to the dry pods in order to liberate the seeds
You can do it by hand or stuff a pillowcase with Beans or Peas and "stomp" on it, rub it with your hands or even put in the dryer on air setting (No Heat) in a tightly sealed pillowcase
Once the pods have been threshed, pour the seeds and chaff into a bucket
Most of the seeds will fall to the bottom allowing you to remove lots of the chaff by hand from the top
Winnowing Beans and Peas
Winnowing relies on the weight of the seeds and the lightness of the chaff
You can use a stiff breeze or an electric fan
Set the fan on top of a table and pour the seeds and chaff out in front of the fan’s breeze into another bucket
The seeds will fall straight down while the chaff will be blown to the side. This will take several passes.
Store seeds somewhere cool, dry and dark for the winter to plant in the spring, or cook and eat right away
Always be sure to Save Some for the Library!!!
How to Save Lettuce Seeds
Let your lettuce plants grow well past when you would have eaten them.
Seed is harvested after the plant “bolts” (sends up a flower stalk), flowers, sets seed, and dries.
Lettuce seeds are ready for harvest 2 to 3 weeks after the flowers bloom.
Lettuce seeds are very small, and can be harvested by shaking the seed heads into a paper bag.
Or leave the plants in the ground and harvest weekly as new seeds mature.
Once the lettuce seed heads are almost totally dry, pull the entire plant and hang upside-down over a paper bag.
Use a fine mesh screen to clean lettuce seeds... the screen will allow the seeds to pass but will restrict the larger chaff.
Or rub them against a rough paper plate...The chaff will stick while the seeds fall free.
How to Save Tomato Seed
One variety at a time, cut tomato open and squeeze the pulp, juice and seeds into a glass or plastic container
Add some water and as it sits, the fermentation will break down the gelatinous sack that encloses the seeds.
This may take up to 3 or 4 days.
Stir or shake every day or two.
After the seeds are released, the viable ones will sink to the bottom of the jar.
Pour off or decant all the pulp and bad seeds from the top layer.
Then pour the good seeds through a kitchen strainer and rinse well to remove any bits of tomato flesh that remain.
Spread the seeds out to dry on a coffee filter or paper plate.
Keep them out of direct sunlight with good air circulation.
It is best to continue drying them for two to three weeks to be absolutely sure the seeds are dry.
Store in a sealed plastic or glass container in a cool, dark and dry location.
Again... Be sure to save some seeds for the library!!!